Monday, October 12, 2020

Juno: Choosing Life


Juno:  A great little movie that you may have never seen.

A modern coming of age story about a 16 year old girl who decides to have sex to get it out of the way - and becomes pregnant.

2007. Starring Ellen Page in the title role. Michael Cera, Justin Bateman, and Jennifer Garner.  This move launched Ellen's theatrical career.

The movie received unexpected accolades and critical acclaim.  It even garnered decent box office receipts and has become a minor cult classic.

But -- ever since its success, the producers, directors, and actors involved in the film have been denying vociferously that this is a Pro-Life Movie.

There is only one great problem ("Methinks thou dost protest too much!") with their protests ---- THIS IS A GREAT PRO-LIFE MOVIE!!    

Juno has sex with her reluctant (though willing) boyfriend - one time (it happens all of the time in the movies!) and gets pregnant.  She wants to get the Virginity thing out of the way and get on to other growing up experiences.

Her pregnancy is a personal disaster.  It has the potential of ruining the rest of her life.

She actually goes to an abortion clinic - but while she is there, she changes her mind and decides to let the baby live.  She will find suitable parents and give the child to them for adoption.

Her decision is not an informed one springing from information or understanding. It is not a social decision or a religious or spiritual decision.  It is really not about the baby or about choosing life at all. There is no clear portrayal of her reasoning in the movie.  She just chooses to have the baby.

Lucky for the baby --- and lucky for everybody who was involved with this movie.  If they had ended the pregnancy early in this story it would have never found any success or viewers at all.  Hollywood always chooses the money --- and abortion does not entertain --- or sell product.

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