Monday, October 27, 2014

On the Right Flight

Garland Green is a serial-killing, mass-murderer who joins the cast of characters (in the movie, Conair) just after the Convicts take over the plane. The cons, posing as security guards, are forced to make one stop in the midst of their getaway to pick up this additional prisoner. If they fail to make this stop their cover will be blown to early in their escape.

Upon learning of this development Poe deadpans, "He's on the right flight."

That's a very dramatic attempt to see something "right" in a very "wrong" scenario!!

But sometimes with all the spin you can spin, all of the positive thinking, all of the optimism you can muster and looking for that silver lining behind that cloud there are just some situations that seem to be destined to be desolate and anything good.

And when just one more bad thing is thrown onto the pile we're not really surprised.

But here's a spoiler: good things do happen in this story . . . and it has a happy ending for our hero.

Believer's in God have been prophetically given the promise of good things even in bad times . . . . and a happy ending. That is a part of our faith. A part of what we are asked to anchor ourselves to.

When one bad thing after another is added to an already bad situation --- it doesn't necessarily mean that we are on the wrong flight. Not on the wrong path, or out of God's will.

It is possible that, even though your life seems to have been high-jacked, you are on the right flight. You are exactly where God wants you to be.

Hang on. Don't lose hope.

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