Monday, October 12, 2020

The Alienist: Stopping the Angel of Darkness at all Costs


The Second Season of The Alienist has just concluded on TNT:  The Angel of Darkness.

Eight episodes, starring Daniel Bruhl, Dakota Fanning, and Luke Evans. Ted Levine is excellent as the crooked Chief of Police.

In the late 1800's what was to evolve into the modern Psychiatrist began as an Alienist.  In this crime drama on TNT the protagonist (played by Bruhl) presents as a Forensic Pathologist or Criminologist.

The series is dark and surrounds the most horrid and gloomy subject matter - yet I am drawn to it.

The second season is about saving innocent babies from an insane serial killer.

Celebrities often take a political stand contrary to the preservation of innocence - but the scripts that they embrace and the parts that they play almost always Champion on the side of morality and the sanctity of human life.

The Dark Angel is a sociopathic woman who is kidnapping and killing newborn babies -- and she must be stopped at all costs. The death of an infant is cast as the most atrocious of crimes and the killer is viewed with no sympathy or compassion - in spite of the circumstances that created her and shaped her psychosis.

If a single-celled amoeba was discovered by a land rover on the surface of Mars - every paper, journal, and media avenue would proclaim that "LIFE" had been found on the Red Planet. Steps would be taken to protect and preserve that LIFE - and further exploration and colonization of the planet would be guided in careful recognition of and deference to this LIFE.

But a multi-celled, complex organism with a heartbeat, respiration, and dynamic brain activity that exists in a woman's womb in the fetal stage is not considered "LIFE."  This is scientific nonsense.

Infanticide IS a horrific act -- worthy of ANY crime or horror story presentation. But LIFE is LIFE, and the Angel of Darkness who preys on the born AND the unborn is a plague upon our society, our culture, and our humanity.

The poisoning of 5 or 6 children is fodder for a fantastic fictional crime story --- but the death of millions of innocents is hardly noticed.

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